Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Bluebells and Wild Garlic

April & May are the Bluebell months in Britain.   I went walking for about 3 hours in a broadleaf woodland in south Wales, and the woodland floor at the moment was covered with a spectacular blue carpet of native bluebells.  It's getting to the end of their season now, so they were starting to thin out a bit.

 Unfortunately, there is an invasive species of Spanish bluebell which is making it difficult for the common luebell to survive.  They were brought here to grow in British gardens and have been spreading aggressively ever since.  Some estimates state that up to 30% native bluebells have been hybradised with this Spanish variety, however telling the difference is easy.  A Spanish bluebell plants are straight with flowers all around the stalk.  A common or native bluebell curves or droops at the top and only has flowers on the underside.  These links will explain further -

Schedule 8 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act (WCA) has made it illegal for anyone to collect or uproot native bluebells in the wild, so it;s unwise to pick them.

Bluebells are quite interesting because like many wild plants they appear in folklore and have been used in various ways throughout time. The flowers produce a sticky substance which was used to bind pages to book spines.  Since it contains starch, the glue was also used in Victorian times to stiffen ruffs and sleeves.

Here are some other interesting fact about bluebells -

Around 30 - 50% of the world’s bluebells grow in Britain (this figure varies a bit depending at which source you look at).

They take about 5 years to develop from seed to bulb, so it's not a good idea to walk amongst them, however tempting it may seem!

Bluebells are poisonous!   However, the nectar is an important food source for bees, hoverflies and butterflies.

Some bluebells are white.  This is because of a genetic mutation that means they lack the pigment that gives them their colour.

 During the Bronze Age, the glue was used attach feathers to arrows.

In Welsh, they're called Clychau'r Gog, which means Bells of the Cuckoo.  

 Bluebells are strongly associated with fairies in folklore, and are supposed to ring to beckon the fairies to their dance.   However, hearing bluebells ring is supposed to bring death to anyone who hears them!

Crossing the stream carefully along the rocks.........

This beautiful woodland was just covered with Wild Garlic!  It was absolutely everywhere you looked!  It's  a good indicator of an old woodland.  Wild Garlic has four-and-a-half times more sulfur than your average supermarket-bought garlic which means that it's very good for you, and it's reputed to be higher in other minerals as well.  Its sulfur compounds are bound to protein, so it's orderless after consumption as well!! 

 The leaves and flowers are edible, and are great to add to soups & salads.  Maybe one day I'll harvest some and make some Wild Garlic & Potato soup.  I couldn't collect any last time because I didn't expect to see so much Wild Garlic like this.  For now, I'll have to be content with looking at my photos. 


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