Wednesday, 12 March 2014

You know nothing John Snow!

Ok, so you will only get why this is funny if you like cats (specifically Grumpy Cat) and if you're familiar with Game of Thrones.  This sentence is repeated quite a lot in the book.....too much.   It seems like the editor should have stepped in to take some of it out, but hey, at least it led to this great grumpy cat pic! 

Sunday, 9 March 2014

More Winter

 At first the head dress was going to be a half-circle, then after seeing some great reference photos of other traditional Russian headdresses, I changed my mind.  A different shape suited this character better......but painting over the headdress I'd already started was very, very tedious!!

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Lumionous Skies

Unfortunately I don't think I can post the photos here in case of copyright issues, but I have provided a link below which will show you photos on the BBC news website.

We hardly ever get to see the Northern Lights here in Britain, but some people captured some amazing scenes recently in the skies.  The second photo looks like it could be a scene from Harry Potter on Privet drive...........maybe there are witches & wizards battling with each other in the skies above!!


