Friday, 28 February 2014


Winter is slowly going away, relasing its grip.  Time to show a painting I've been working on this winter.  I'd been wanting to paint this for a while, but it never seemed the right time.  I needed to paint it in winter, since for me, this painting is a kind of personification of winter.  It was also inspired by a track from a artist called Grimes, which I'll post later on.

Here's how the painting started, just with a drawing on paper, and later a drawing on canvas.  There's bad lighting I'm afraid because there isn't much of it in my house in winter!  There's only so much you can do in photo editing without losing detail!

Anyway, here's the start of it - 

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Sochi design

I'm not into watching sport at all, not even the Olympics, but this Sochi design is worth a look.


 As well as being vibrant and colourful, this patchwork is supposed to represent all regions of Russia, drawing inspiration from various traditional textiles from different regions.   The people at Graphic Art News have produced an interesting piece about it -


