Wednesday, 27 March 2013

A Different Kind of Home

Just wanted to share this great website which shows lots of beautiful and interesting homes that have been built with the environment in mind.  A lot of them look like they've taken stylistic inspiration from Hobbits, and look very tree-like with their lack of straight lines.

These houses or natural dwellings certainly look far, far better than the ugly pebble-dash or red-brick modern houses that look exactly the same as each other.  They also fit-in much better into the lush, green Welsh countryside. 

This is a link to their articles section, which shows wonderful homes from around the world, not just from Britain.  I love all of the architectural styles that are shown on this page -

There is also a Russian and Romanian version of this website, and also Facebook pages in various other languages.

Here's the Russian one -

Here's one of the houses that's recently been built in Pembrokshire, Wales -

cob house

straw bale roundhouse

straw bale roundhouse

This one is in Somerset -

cob housecob house

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Batman hands in a suspect to the Police! :D

Batman hands in a suspect to the Police! :D

 This is brilliant!  Amongst the depressing new stories out there,  this little gem brightened up my day.

