Thursday, 28 February 2013

Cwm Idwal in frosty, bleak February

In the last few days, I went to Cwm Idwal.  On the way we saw big icicles around a meter long, and the mountains were sugar-dusted with snow.

It's one of the few places in Britain where you can see Artic-Alpine plants, and it's a site of Special Scientific Interest.  We just walked up to the lake, and from what I saw, it's quite an easy walk which some steeps sections,  so it's ok for children if you just keep to the lake.  It would be a nice place for a picnic in the summer.  

There are quite a few bleak pictures of Snowdonia on the internet,  and they give the impression that Snowdonia is always like this when it's not.  The Snowdonia area is incredibly green as well because of the high rainfall.

This is path we followed.

Llyn Idwal (Lake of Idwal)

There are a few opinions as to why it is called Llyn Idwal, but one of the most common stories surrounding this lake is that it was named when Idwal, son of the prince of Gwynedd in the 12th century, decided to entrust the care of his son to Nefydd Hardd.  Nefydd was jealous of Idwal because he was more talented than his own son, so he pushed Idwal into the lake, where he drowned.  Owain banished Nefydd from the kingdom, and named the lake after his son.

 To give you an idea of scale, you can just about see little dots where there are 3 people in the above photograph.  They are on grassy area, near the horizon a little towards the left.

Several people have died whilst walking on Glyderau, which is the group of peaks in this area, and even experienced walkers have died.  When we were there, there was a group of people around 20 years old, who looked like they had come from a city on holiday.  They were wearing baseball jackets, and hip-hop style clothes with no gloves, no proper coats, just hoodies.

 As you can see from the frozen water in the waterfall, it was just above freezing, and we decided to turn back because it was starting to snow lightly. 

I took these last two photos in Llanberis.

I think after that sort of weather a hot chocolate is in order!

Sunday, 17 February 2013

The Fool - almost finished

I started this painting a while ago, and it's almost finished.  I got my inspiration from 'The Fool' card in Tarot, and turned it into something else.  I'm not someone who reads Tarot, but I'm interested in the symbolism and the archetypes.  For me, they conjure up stories in my imagination. 

The woman is stepping over a cliff, eyes closed into the unknown.  Beneath her, is seems like there's a drop featuring the sea in the distance.

 Her expression is carefree, with no worries in mind.  She's carrying a little suitcase/briefcase with her, with an image of a wheel on it - a bag full of hopes and resources for her destination.    Her dress is melting away into butterflies, a symbol of transformation.

Someone could look at this painting, and think, 'Is she committing suicide?'...........but we don't know.  We can't really see what's underneath that portion of the cliff.

For me, The Fool is about taking risks and about bravery to seek new opportunities, or perhaps to go on a journey.  As with taking any new opportunity, it comes with risk.

It might be a naive decision leading to disaster, or be the best path she's ever set foot on. 

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Banana Cake

I think I've got to stop baking for a while.  Recently I made dark chocolate and & cranberry cookies, and in the last week I also made a banana & dark chocolate chip cake.


You can find the recipe I followed here -

To get the best out of any fruit cake, you need to use good fruit.  Some bananas are lovely, but others can be starchy and flavourless so it's worth doing your research into this fruit before making this cake.

Because this recipe uses 5 bananas, it's extra squishy and squidgy.  I used 100g of dark chocolate, chopped up. I covered the caked with my lazy icing, which is creme-freiche with some golden syrup on top.  Golden syrup, used sparingly,  goes well with banana I think, but I don't think creme-freiche complements banana enough for me to use it again.....unless I'm lazy hehe....

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Pancake Day

Today is Pancake Day in Britain.......when everyone....well....makes pankcakes :D  It's also called Shrove Tuesday.

I think I've eat too many this evening.............

